We Picked the Winner of Our Free Cat Bag Giveaway
Thank you to everyone who showed up and clicked buttons on our Facebook page. I hope it was as fun for you all as it was for us.
Lets check out what the winner has won:
- A CHOICE OF ANY BAG – ANY OF THEM. There are literally more than a dozen choices here. I hope the winner doesn’t get analysis paralysis.
- AT NO COST – We could have charged shipping. We could have charged “handling”, but we prefer not to announce that we touch the bags before we send them out. We could have charged tax, but screw the man. Instead, we charged NOTHING.
- SHIPPED TO THE WINNERS DOORSTEP – Or whatever receiving receptacle they have. Maybe its more of an RV-step. Maybe its more of a “Someone else’s house because I’m wanted by the Feds”. Either way, they barely have to move to receive their free gift.
- CONTAINS NO HUMAN HAIR OR TEETH – This is true. Our packages rarely contain any human hair or teeth. We strive for perfection at Cat Bags (and we fired that one guy).
So that’s that then. Our winner gets to pick out their favorite bag and we get to send it to them and you all get to patiently wait until the next time when we play…
Play ’em off, Sammy

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