What will our future generations think of right now? I don’t know, probably bad stuff?
I’m having difficulty operating this thing tonight. Its got some new keys to it. Like, they click and stuff. Its bad.
Real bad.
Let me tell you about the world through the eyes of a child. What do children do? Google stuff. Lets start with this stuff (once I remember how to embed images):
Alright, we got some quotes there. One from Jack Lalanne, known for tuggin’ boats. I think with his nipples? Maybe that was someone else. Then we got good ol’ Carl Hiaasen. He writes novels about Florida. Thats a thing. Doesn’t involve eating peoples faces, so they must be straight fiction.
Then theres something about Brexit, a cosplayer, a couple pictures involving Donald Trump, and, like, Bruce Jenner and stuff.
Ok, this isn’t very insightful. Moving right along. Lets ask Bing, the search engine for perverts. Roll them dice!
Alright, we got uh – some sharks in disturbing situations, a picture of Einstein with a lengthy quote he probably didn’t say, a bank note, a tsunami, and some maps. Good job. I guess its confused because usually at this time of the night on a Friday I’m asking ‘Whats Ted Cruz up to?’ and I get the same result.
Lets delve deep. Real deep. Like Deep Roy Deep.
Like AltaVista deep! SPIN! THAT! WHEEL!
Come on Alta Vista. What is this? More Einstein quotes, some dudes kissing, but I’m pretty sure you’re just cheating off of Bing there. What is this. Come on internet.
Show me the money.
Gimme the gold.
Show me what is really up in the world today.
And a one, and a two, and a one, two, three, AOL SEARCH, SOMETHING I DIDN’T KNOW EXISTED!
People, liquor, and Hitler. I’ll take it.