(Don’t) Let CatBagz.com Be Your Source of Information About Difficult to Understand Technology Topics!
First of all, let me let you know how much CatBagz.com has spent in time, effort, and, most importantly, money, to be on the cutting edge – the BLEEDING edge – the HIGHLY CONCERNING, VISCERALLY SPECIFIC, ULTIMATELY MEANINGLESS METAPHORICAL edge – of technology. Ted, the numbers if you would…
Based on our calculations around having been in business since the year 2016, finance actually would rather not do the math of total cost of our supreme technological edginess. In light of the numbers alone finance quit and so did half of operations.
I thought we were operations.
We downsized to a co-op. I believe that means all of the company was operations.
So who does that leave?
Us. Actually… less than us? Another reason why finance didn’t want to run the numbers is because they’re difficult and prone to being wrong and/or indivisible.
Well, anyway, today we’re here to talk NFT.
The non-fungible cult that has taken the capitalist world by storm. The trick to understanding NFT is right there in its name.
Fungible. I quote the dictionary:
Able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.
Able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.
Only these are NON-fungible.
Right: NOT Able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; NOT mutually interchangeable.
…And then token.
Representing no more than a symbolic effort.
I thought they just meant like… whatever. Like I have bus tokens.
Yea there are a lot of meanings to the word token and some of them are uncomfortable.
Oh, ok, so we’re saying these fantasy works are also nothing more than symbolic effort?
I think the real deal here is avoiding committing fungible fraud. You can commit all sorts of non-fungible atrocities.
What would you say is an example of a non-fungible atrocity.
This company. It’s profit. CatBagz in general.
Absolutely – there is precious little funging going on in the stockroom, that’s for sure.
You mean stock-perations?
Does that exist?
No, they quit.
Oh well lets get right to the point here. With all this discussion of NFTs and technology and once-in-a-lifetime irreplaceable opportunities, CatBagz.com is offering you, dear reader, a Sorta-NFT.
A partially non-fungible token?
Oh it is DEFINITELY not fungible. We just don’t want to set certain expectations, you know. Expectations that go with full-fledged NFT purchases.
The exchange of monetary value for nothing more than symbolic effort?
Actually, it is exactly that.
Well, what is it?
Get this – its a picture.
Of a turtle.
Of a turtle.
It might be a tortoise? It is in the water, so I’m calling it a turtle.
How much is this turtle picture?
One dollar.
Is this even worth doing?
One United States dollar. Get Yours Today!
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